Bling It On!

Everything Bling under the sun, especially gizmo bling!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Motorola Razr K1, aka KRZR, Passes Muster

The FCC gave it a thumbs up anyway, and that counts for a lot, right?

Cosmetically, looks to me like it's basically the Razr V3 - still thin, but now narrower too, which is great for people with smaller paws like me. That V3 is just sometimes too wide for me, especially after adding the Swarovski crystals. :-)

The last Razr V3 I had got pretty scratched and dinged up a bit. So you know what I had to do with it. Yep, you guessed it, I crystallized it with a "bling kit" I ordered online. Razr was good as new afterwards. The nice thing about an old scuffed up phone is that I'm not afraid to get set aside an afternoon or two to bling it out on my own. I only had to redo a small part of it, otherwise it was pretty easy. Soon I'll write up something more about that whole experience. So stay TUNED!

And what's with the metallic blue? Is dark blue the new pink, (which was the new black)?

I guess they're trying to appeal to the broadest audience. Pink, black and silver just don't cut it anymore. Now with 50 million Razr's out there, I figure that's about enough for every adult in Australia and Canada combined to own one (July 2005 UN Population Estimates: 20M + 32M). Wow.

Question for you folks at home is, how many of that 50 mil get the custom kitty treatment like the one pictured here. It's a little to cutesy for my taste, but you know me, any crystal is better than naked!


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