Bling It On!

Everything Bling under the sun, especially gizmo bling!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Sidekick 3 Hazardous To Your Wallet?

Two friends of mine have the new T-Mobile Sidekick 3. They haven't had any problems with the phone, but some guys apparently did some experimentation and found that the magnet that latches the flipscreen is so strong it can pick up kitchen utensils and de-magnetize credit cards. We just had to try it ourselves on a blinged Sidekick 3, enjoy:

But that Amex still works, so I'm not sure I'm ready to panic yet!


  • At 3:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I don't think the SK is a real danger (no pun) to most mag stripes unless they're really weakly charged. First, you'd need to run the magnet back and forth over the magstrip, just laying it on doesn't do anything. Also, you need like a 800 gauss magnetic field to demag a stripe. On Mythbusters, they had to use a 1000 gauss magnet, which is stronger than a refrigerator magnet!

  • At 6:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Your SK3 looks great!!


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